Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Of Crap and Enrichment

Crapping on and on about when one went to pee and how they sprained their delicate little ankle to how their day at class was and blah blah blah....Thats what most blogging is about....Well the mudane activities of day-to-day life might interest the bored majority....Not me....I believe that blogs are supposed to disseminate information which might actually enrich the person reading it instead of making him realise how his own boring life matches with thousands of others....Kudos to those who actually leave me a little more knowledgeable by reading their blogs and Boo's to those who waste my precious time with their crap....In the Fuehrer's pages, be rest assured to enjoy every minute of time spent on it and I promise to fill in your intellectual reservoir bit by bit every time you visit my pages...Let the journey of discovery begin!

1 comment:

Mithr said...

hey I can totally agree with you!!! I also feel the same. I too dont like those that go on and on about ones daily routine.. the whole point is it is a rountine .. so why bother write it!!!!!!!! cheers!