Wednesday, October 11, 2006


She tred carelessly through the woods. Plucking leaves of random trees and slowly tearing them into little pieces as she walked along.

Maria loved to think while on her walks - of someone. The one person with whom she was Maria in all her glory. Real. Pure.

She loved reminiscing the times when they walked through the woods, matching steps. Plucking leaves together, tearing them and throwing the pieces at each other – giggling. And they loved the rain. Hands clasped, bodies united, and souls one – the rain bonded them. But he left unannounced one Monday morn.

As she remembered him, rain droplets graced her tender face. The thoughts grew intense. For once, Maria wished there was no rain.


1 comment:

Mithr said...

The written is so beautiful. The mood sinks in. The reader can put himself/herself in the character and feel the emotions being conveyed. Wonder how you write so elegantly..